Design Engineer

Our Client, need urgently for Design Engineer
- Male/female, age max. 35 years old
- Single
- S1 Architecture/civil engineering
- Have one years work experience minimum in architecture/civil project/high building
- Know how to make and read structural drawing
- Specialist in AutoCad, 3Dmax, etc
- Able to travel in out town/overseas
- Salary IDR 5-7 mio
- Employee status : reguler
If you are interested, send your CV to:
or just join in Walk Interview:
PT Sumber Daya Prima Indonesia
Gedung Habibie Center (Side Doors)
Jalan kemang selatan no. 98
Jakarta Selatan (6221-78832525)
Cp. Ayu Soemarno
info at milis iai | Mon Sep 17, 2012