System Management Specialist

thumbnail-cadangan URGENT REQUIRED
System Management Specialist (Coordinator) - Head Office

Description Job :
Develop SOP process based, program ISO in unit, monitoring ISO & training ISO related, implemented document controlled.

Education :
S1 Industrial Engineering / Management / Business Administration / Business Management

Experience :
Experience in Quality Management System ISO 9001 min 5 years in Consultant ISO. Able to make standard  operation procedure in flow chart, work instruction and other document quality, experience in other ISO Standard, able to provide awareness and training iso 9001 related.

Training :
ISO 9001 Introduction, ISO 19011 Guideline Audit Standard

Computer :
Ms Office, Ms Visio

Softskill :
Strong Analysis, Good Communication, Detail Oriented & Teamwork

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info@telegram group | Feb 11, 2019
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