Full-time Job, Freelance Job as Interior Designer Partner, Own an Interior Workshop

Full-time, Freelancer & Workshop Owner!
Full-time Job
Now is the best time to make your career move! Who knows you might only be one step away from securing your dream job? Join a team of people who care to make real impacts today on dkr.ma/career
Freelance Job as IDP (Interior Designer Partner)
A freelance job with stable income every month? Yes, please! Who knows you might only be one step away from securing a freelance job like never before! If you are up for some challenges and care about making real impacts to the Home & Living industry, show us what you got and go to dkr.ma/registeridp
Own an Interior Workshop?
Calling all interior workshop owners! Now you can get considerable income by partnering with Dekoruma! Make the most of your workshop capacity and score additional projects through us! Go to dkr.ma/registerworkshop and be our workshop partner!
info@telegram group | Mar 01, 2019