Social Media Spesialist


Hi job hunters!
"We have a great opportunity for you"

Social Media Spesialist


  1. Education min. SMA/SMK
  2. Age max. 25 tahun
  3. Skill community, strong visual, trend awareness, utilizing social media ads

JobDec :

  1. Doing research and propuse possible social media concepts/solutions to these needs
  2. executing social media campaign plans which includes content creators performance analysis, reporting and identifying room for improvement
  3. Maintaining and managing social media PT. Adev Natural Indonesia/ Asset Digital
  4. Content creator social media
  5. Maintaing and managing social media
  6. Doing research and propose possible social media consepts
  7. Maintain and Plan social media
  8. Monitor adn respond to comment and DM from social media

Are you the one that we are looking for? If you are interested, just drop your latest CV. To : Name_Position

 @TG, 20082020

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