Corporate Strategy Analyst


Hello, Pahamify is hiring for a Corporate Strategy Analyst.

Here are the requirements:

  1. Skilled in financial modeling, financial analysis, and market sizing
  2. Strong communication and interpersonal skills
  3. Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English
  4. Great leadership track record in on-campus organizations or other extracurricular activities
  5. Working experience at an investment bank, venture capital, a private equity firm, Big Four transaction advisory or corporate finance team, or strategic consulting firm is preferred.

P.S: This position is available for an intern/full-time position, and will be work remotely until the end of 2020.

If you think you are fit with the requirement, please send your CV to with the subject : Corporate Strategy Analyst.

And if you have friends or relatives that will need this opportunity, please share.
Thank you!

@TG, 04092020

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