Delivery Lead, Solution Lead

Hello, everyone!
Asian Technology Solutions is #hiring

1. Delivery Lead: min 8 years of experience
2. Solution Lead: min 5 years of experience

The general requirement is for typical role Telco IT PMO Roles (i.e. Delivery Lead (Senior Program Manager/Program Manager) and PMO Solution Lead) as the following:
  1. Strong technical knowledge in App Dev / IT Infrastructure (with Telco background is preferred).
  2. Strong project management experience in managing complex project delivery (timeline management, scope management, RAID management, Reporting Management, Change Control Management)
  3. Good communication skills in facilitating/driving technical and non-technical discussion/meeting with SI partners, Telco Business Users, Telco IT Counterpart and Telco Management team.

📍 Jakarta (WFO)
[Indonesia citizen only]

If you're interested or have any recommendation, hit me up at
*Subject (Name - Position)
Ex: (Andri - Delivery Lead)

I encourage you to apply if you're highly motivated and experienced!

We look forward to hearing from you!
Thank you!


@TG, 15122023
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