Freelance Mandarin Translator

thumbnail-cadangan Hi everyone,

We are currently in urgent need of a Freelance Mandarin Translator.

Job Description:
  • Translate conversations and text from Indonesian to Mandarin accurately.
  • Maintain the original meaning and nuances of the language.
  • Revise translations if necessary to ensure accuracy.
  • Fluent in Mandarin.
  • Minimum HSK 5 proficiency.
  • Willingness to work from office (WFO) - Tomang Raya, Jakarta Barat.
Additional Information:
  • Duration: 3 days, from May 27th to May 29th, 2024.
  • Working Hours: 09:00 to 18:00 WIB

If you're interested or know someone who's suitable for this role, connect me through LinkedIn or send CV to

#freelance #mandarin #translator #mandarintranslator


@TG, 24052024
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