Waiter/Waitress, GSA, Spa Therapist


Wapa di Ume Resort Ubud
29 May 2024  Resort  Gianyar
089 604 790 706  hrwapadiume@gmail.com

Job Overview
Categorize: Resort

Job Description

Wapa di Ume Resort Ubud would like to invite highly motivated, dedicated, dynamic professional candidate to be part of our team.


  • Waiter/Waitress 
  • GSA
  • Spa Therapist

General Qualification :

  1. Positive attitude, good communication skill and well groomed.
  2. Male/Female maximum 30 years of age.
  3. General education relation to hospitality.
  4. Proven professional track record at least 1year of experience within the hotel industry.
  5. Good communication skill in English, others language skill are added value.

Please send your resume with a recent photograph and put subject NAME _POSITION

Email: hrwapadiume@gmail com and
CC: hr.admin@wapadiumesidemen com

PIC : 089 604 790 706 - Arindra Putri


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