Python Developer, FrontEnd Developer, Mobile Android Developer, DevOps Engineer, Senior UI/UX Designer, Credit Scoring and Data Analyst Lead, Risk Policy Head, Credit Analyst Assosiate, Legal and Compliance

We are a Financial technology company focused on creating “inclusive” technologies that will benefit the micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME). Our current focus area is in the creation of cloud bases Human Resources (HR) systems and Payroll systems.
We are expanding our team and seeking candidates who can be a part of our team and help us achieve our mission.
We are open position for :
- Python Developer (Code : PD)
- FrontEnd Developer (VueJS) (Code : FD)
- Mobile Android Developer (Code : MAD)
- DevOps Engineer (Code : DE)
- Senior UI/UX Designer (Code : UI/UX)
- Credit Scoring and Data Analyst Lead (Code : CSDA)
- Risk Policy Head (Code : RP)
- Credit Analyst Assosiate (Code : CA)
- Legal and Compliance (Code : LC)
The above are challenging positions, If you think you are up to the challenge and are looking for an exciting and rewarding career please send your updated CV to :
Write the subject email : (code)_(full name)
All position willing to work at Puri Indah Financial Tower (PIFT)-West Jakarta
For more info visit
info@telegram group | Mei 03, 2019